
{rdxsg folder=”images/stories/vitenfabrikken/bildegalleri/abels_skissebok” thumbs_position=”bottom” midsize_width=”640″ midsize_height=”270″ thumbs_width=”640px” class=”time-w”}
Vitenfabrikken opened in 2008, and is an exciting science center and museum with several exhibitions in the fields of mathematics, technology, science, regional industry, the city of Sandnes, and art. Vitenfabrikken has the following exhibitions:

utst banner abel skissebokAbels Sketchbook: an interactive exhibition that presents fundamental phenomena within science and art, with special focus on the relationship between mathematics, technology, science and art.

utst vannets kretsloepWater cycles: where does the poo go when we flush the toilet?

utst kem e sandnes

Who’s Sandnes?: what do you think about the city? Give your opinion and see others.

planetarietPlanetarium: see the stars and astronomic phenomenon even when it’s cloudy! In the planetarium you will have the sky 360 degrees around you. 6 films and demonstrations are shown daily on the weekends and in summer season.

Krossen Havremølle: an authentic Oat Mill. It showcases oat processing and the significance of the oat mill to the region and nation.

Leonardo Da Vinci: explore the ideas of the Italian multi-talent through 30 models based on his sketches.

Pottery and brickworks exhibitions: brickworks and potteries have left their mark on Sandnes for more than 200 years. The pottery and brickworks exhibition showcases the clay’s path from the ground to finished product.