About Varden Sjøredningsmuseum [Varden Sea Rescue museum]

The coast of Jæren is notorious for its inclement weather and rough seas and there have been many dramatic shipwrecks, with subsequent loss of sailors’ lives and all kinds of flotsam washed onto the local beaches.

As early as in the 1500s, there were tales where it was said that after a really bad storm, the locals could get hold of such exotic goods as red wine, chocolate and sugar, “pepper and other such spices” – intended for the well-to-do citizens in town. In many of these coastal farms, it was also possible to find shipboards or “squint cabin windows” used as building materials. From the mid 1880s, there was fierce lobbying to establish rescue equipment on the coast of Jæren and this saw the start of the first sea rescue stations. Varden Sea Rescue Museum is located on the grounds of Ogna Camping on Highway 44 [map]. The museum was opened in 1977 to document the equipment of the sea rescue stations in Jæren.

Children under 18: free
Adults: NOK 30

Group tours available on request. Contact Jærmuseet tlf. 51 79 94 20.
Tours after opening hours, has the following extra costs:
Monday-friday 8 – 15 NOK 300 per hour
After 15 on weekdays + weekends NOK 500 per hour

Contact: Varden Sjøredningsmuseum, Varden, 4364 Siervåg – Email: varden@jaermuseet.noTel: (+47) 51 79 94 20